Installing Cabot on Debian 8
12.10.2016 14:00
sudo apt-get install python-dev python-pip postgresql ruby
sudo pip install ecdsa fabric pycrypto
git clone
cd cabot
cp conf/production.env.example conf/production.env
# Add at least graphite url and login to config
nano env/production.env
fab provision -H root@localhost
fab deploy -H ubuntu@localhost
su - ubuntu
source /home/ubuntu/venv/bin/activate
cd cabot
foreman start -e conf/production.env
Modifying fabric provision/deploy for multi instance deploys:
- Clone official repo
- Make new local branch - ’tesl'
- Find/replace all instances of ubuntu with tesl in and bin/
- EMAIL_BACKEND = ‘django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend’ in cabot/
- Comment out SES_ settings in conf/production.env
10/28/16 Edit - Deploy using docker-compose for easier management of multiple backends
I needed to be able to support monitoring of multiple graphite servers, and since Cabot can’t do this out of the box I had to find a solution to deploy multiple instances of Cabot in a more manageable fashion. The official way to deploy with Docker points to this repo, this deploy method is mostly complete but there were some inconsistencies in the way environment variables were defined. There were also a number of useful variables missing from the env_file that I felt should still be there, even if they’re commented out. I forked this repo and made some slight adjustments to accomplish a few things:
- Give meaningful names to containers for easier identification/log diving/management
- Install cabot_alert_slack alert plugin while building app container
- Include slack related environment variables in cabot_env (env_file)
- Include default environment variables in env_file, removed duplicates from Cabot/Dockerfile