More advanced database migration

29.08.2018 01:49

This database migration or promotion allows for moving of data between two hosts in separate networks. We open an SSH tunnel from our local machine to a bastion or “jumpbox” within the same network of each database and then mysqldump the data from one host to another via local ports.


        root@DESKTOP-VFK848F:~# export HISTCONTROL=ignorespace
        root@DESKTOP-VFK848F:~# # commands starting with a space will no longer show up in history
  2. SSH Tunnel to both database hosts

        # Setup local port forward to remote database 1
        root@DESKTOP-VFK848F:~# ssh -L localhost:localport:db_host_1:db_port_1 user@jumpbox
        root@DESKTOP-VFK848F:~# ssh -L localhost:3307:mysql-01.tsnet:3306 meder@pve-1.tsnet
        meder@pve-1:~$ # leave this window open
        # Setup local port forward to remote database 2
        root@DESKTOP-VFK848F:~# ssh -L localhost:3308:mysql-02.tsnet:3306 meder@pve-1.tsnet
        meder@pve-1:~$ # leave this window open
  3. Dump from database 1 to 2

        # The passwords have to be in line, so remember the extra space before the command to exclude it from history
        root@DESKTOP-VFK848F:~#  mysqldump --single-transaction -h -P 3307 -u root -p'db1password' | mysql -h -P 3308 -u root -p'db2password'         
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