
Subsonic streaming

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Cherrymusic is out and Subsonic is in. An issue thread came up on the Cherrymusic github that asked if there was a good android client to use with cherrymusic, and there isn’t. There is a wrapper that only sort of half-ass works and then a shitty mobile implementation when using Chrome. Someone in the comments suggested an existing app for Subsonic be used as a guide or starting point for a Cherrymusic app. Read more...

Replacing squid3 w/ nginx

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When I was using the squid3 package in pfSense it came configured ready to use SSL and you could just import your cert’s or let it generate one for you and it just worked. Then I decided to swap out pfSense for a basic squid3 proxy, which at first was great. Configuration was super simple and I had it up and running in a matter of minutes, for most of my backend anyway. Read more...

Basic CherryMusic App

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Found this posted to the CherryMusic github project page. It is a basic wrapper that functions just like the regular Web app but contained in an android app that can save login creds and may work as a Chrome and Mozilla alternative. Download App Here may require that you allow app installation from unknown sources but should be fine to allow. Once installed goto settings and put this url in the address bar: http://cherry. Read more...

Fixing CherryMusic filename decoding errors

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I recently came across a strange problem with the CherryMusic server that only appeared when it was started via an /etc/init.d script. In certain folders the tracks would not show, although the folder showed that there were files within, when you clicked on the folder it would just open an empty list. This condition would also be accompanied by the following error in the logs: UnicodeEncodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't encode character '\udce2' in position 29: surrogates not allowed Doing some quick Google-Fu I came across this page which states that this is caused by a bug in Python3, but the bug has apparently already been fixed. Read more...

Ditching pfSense for a simpler approach

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I decided to just get rid of the pfSense firewall/router in my setup up in favor of just a plain squid3 reverse proxy. While pfSense does provide a nice WebUI for administering the firewall and all of the add-on’s available it ended up being overly complicated for what I was trying to accomplish. Mainly I just wanted to use the reverse proxy functionality provided by the squid3 package and while it was easy to setup and get going I found that if I made one incorrect firewall rule I could easily lock myself out of the GUI and lose access to all of the servers behind the proxy. Read more...

Adding logging to CherryMusic service

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This morning I added some logging functionality to the cherrymusic service script that lives in /etc/init.d/cherrymusic. I have a couple issues going on with the music server that are going to require some log digging. One of which I’ve already fixed: Some of the Web Rips sub directories would open up empty. Upon review the logs when accessing those folders I found this: [150521-14:10] ERROR : [21/May/2015:14:10:41] HTTP Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/cherrymusic/cherrymusic-devel/cherrypy/_cprequest. Read more...

Airtime, Icecast and pfSense

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Taking another look streaming internet radio along with more robust firewall and DNS control. I found a real nice Open Source radio backend called Airtime that re-kindled the idea of running an internet radio stream. Getting Airtime installed took a few tries, eventually I decided to just use their easy-install script. One thing to note is that the server locale needs to be set to US-UTF8 before postgresql is installed, otherwise the airtime installer will complain that the database was made with the wrong format and will error out. Read more...

Adding storage to prox-ve01

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I initially installed 4 HDD’s in the prox-ve01 server that were a mix of old hard drives from other computers that were still good but not being used. 250GB Seagate (Root filesystem “/”) 300GB Seagate (Unmounted) 500GB WD (Unmounted - pulled from blackarmor “Downloads”) 500GB WD (Unmounted - pulled from blackarmor “Storage”) I’m in the process of saving anything I may need off the 2 500GB drives and converting them to local storage for proxmox vm’s and containers. Read more...

Selling the old Dell Servers

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Sold on 6/21/15 for $120 to a Mike from Ashburn, VA Well I made backups of the little bit of stuff I still had on the old server and am now going to list them for sale on craigslist. Baltimore Ad Washington Ad 3 Dell Poweredge SC1425 Servers - $120 Take all 3 servers for $120, server 1 was my main workhorse for the better part of a year as I learned VMWare ESXi, I had it running 6 or 7 Linux VM’s without a hiccup. Read more...

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