
More advanced database migration

Tags: archive
This database migration or promotion allows for moving of data between two hosts in separate networks. We open an SSH tunnel from our local machine to a bastion or “jumpbox” within the same network of each database and then mysqldump the data from one host to another via local ports. Setup HISTCONTROL root@DESKTOP-VFK848F:~# export HISTCONTROL=ignorespace root@DESKTOP-VFK848F:~# # commands starting with a space will no longer show up in history SSH Tunnel to both database hosts Read more...

Patching KRACK WPA2 Vuln. on UniFi AP-AC-Lite

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I tried the recommended method here without luck. When done from the UniFi controller the upgrade would just not happen, no error given as to why. I then tried it directly on the AP and found that it wasn’t able to verify the SSL cert from UBNT’s site.

Debian 9 (Stretch) Laptop Setup

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Setting up an old Acer Aspire One 722-0473 Edit /etc/apt/sources.list - add contrib and non-free packages deb stretch main contrib non-free Update and install drivers apt-get update apt-get install firmware-amd-graphics Add touchpad config Edit /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-touchpad.conf - add below section Section "InputClass" Identifier "touchpad catchall" Driver "synaptics" MatchIsTouchpad "on" Option "TapButton1" "1" Option "TapButton1" "3" EndSection

Moving blog database

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Working on some of the initial steps to moving this blog to docker today. Since containers aren’t exactly presistent I have to get the database migrated to a dedicated mysql node. Once that is done I can move the blog into a python2.7 container and onto a new docker host. First I spun up a new Debian VM, as is tradition, and after updating and upgrading, I installed mysql-server 5.5. Read more...

Docker Shit

Tags: archive
alias docker-nuke=‘docker kill $(docker ps -q); docker rm $(docker ps -aq); docker rmi -f $(docker images -aq); docker volume prune -f’ deletes and force removes all containers, images, and volumes.

Roland Jupiter 6 Troubleshooting

Tags: archive vintage synthesizer repair
CPU acting very erratic, front panel sometimes doesn’t boot, other times will go completly haywire (See Video) Initially thought PSU ripple due to age of caps and reported behavior of CPU when the PSU isn’t clean. Confirmed PSU ripple not the cause, after confirming correct scope settings on FB group. Started suspecting CPU itself was bad, asked around for replacements, as well as eprom. Europa is “taking a hiatus” as of 11/18/16, no good Read more...

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