
Go Rewrite - UPGRAYEDD's

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At the point where rewritten functionality needs some upgrading. Login, db models/mgmt stuff, etc. all needs improving over what is in place in the Python code. JWT login db models/mgmt featured/favorite cards

Go Rewrite - Load

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GOMAXPROCS=2 meder@devb0x:wrk$ wrk http://localhost:3000 -c 100 -d 15s -t 4 Running 15s test @ http://localhost:3000 4 threads and 100 connections Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev Latency 37.13ms 45.17ms 398.89ms 84.51% Req/Sec 1.13k 226.65 1.99k 71.67% 67708 requests in 15.01s, 289.02MB read Requests/sec: 4511.45 Transfer/sec: 19.26MB GOMAXPROX=4 meder@devb0x:wrk$ wrk http://localhost:3000 -c 100 -d 15s -t 4 Running 15s test @ http://localhost:3000 4 threads and 100 connections Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev Latency 24. Read more...

Go Rewrite

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I’m rewriting this old blog in Go for a couple reasons: Updating the old Python container was getting to be a pain in the ass. Due to the tornado-blog project being based on Python 2.7 and just being janky as fuck otherwise, I figured it would be easier to rewrite it in Go. There are some aspects of the Go standard library that I didn’t have much exposure to yet. Serving static files and dynamic template pages is always useful to know how to do, so I wanted to look at "html/template" and some other facets of "net/http". Read more...

Proxmox - Storage Gateway

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Download AWS appliance .ova Unpack .ova: meder@pve:~$ tar xvf AWS-Appliance-2018-09-26-1537973163.ova AWS-Appliance-2018-09-26-1537973163.ovf AWS-Appliance-2018-09-26-1537973163-disk1.vmdk Import .ovf: root@pve:~# qm importovf 110 /home/meder/AWS-Appliance-2018-09-26-1537973163.ovf local-lvm Import VM image .vmdk: root@pve:/# qm importdisk 110 /home/meder/AWS-Appliance-2018-09-26-1537973163-disk1.vmdk local-lvm Using default stripesize 64.00 KiB. Logical volume "vm-110-disk-1" created. (100.00/100%) Change disk1 driver to VirtIO Add additional VirtIO disk2 to allocate to cache. Add network adapter. Adjust memory to fit on your host, minimum recommended is 16GB.

More advanced database migration

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This database migration or promotion allows for moving of data between two hosts in separate networks. We open an SSH tunnel from our local machine to a bastion or “jumpbox” within the same network of each database and then mysqldump the data from one host to another via local ports. Setup HISTCONTROL root@DESKTOP-VFK848F:~# export HISTCONTROL=ignorespace root@DESKTOP-VFK848F:~# # commands starting with a space will no longer show up in history SSH Tunnel to both database hosts Read more...

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