At the point where rewritten functionality needs some upgrading. Login, db models/mgmt stuff, etc. all needs improving over what is in place in the Python code.
JWT login db models/mgmt featured/favorite cards
I’m rewriting this old blog in Go for a couple reasons:
Updating the old Python container was getting to be a pain in the ass. Due to the tornado-blog project being based on Python 2.7 and just being janky as fuck otherwise, I figured it would be easier to rewrite it in Go.
There are some aspects of the Go standard library that I didn’t have much exposure to yet. Serving static files and dynamic template pages is always useful to know how to do, so I wanted to look at "html/template" and some other facets of "net/http".
This database migration or promotion allows for moving of data between two hosts in separate networks. We open an SSH tunnel from our local machine to a bastion or “jumpbox” within the same network of each database and then mysqldump the data from one host to another via local ports.
root@DESKTOP-VFK848F:~# export HISTCONTROL=ignorespace root@DESKTOP-VFK848F:~# # commands starting with a space will no longer show up in history SSH Tunnel to both database hosts